Friday, friday ... will this day never end?

2003-08-15 - 2:23 p.m.

Mid-afternoon Friday blahs.

I really, really wish I didn't have to be here anymore. I don't feel like starting anything new, which is understandable at 2:30 on a Friday afternoon, but I didn't really finish anything old today either. I had a meeting at 10am, followed by lunch with my Dad, followed by a brief meeting with one of my co-workers, with a lot of wasted time on the computer, and smoke breaks, in between.

At this rate, I can drive this company into the ground in no time. It's one of the down-sides of being the boss. There's really no-one to jump on my ass when I'm screwing the pooch all day.

Monday morning .... I'll get to work, get on top of things, make shit happen ... I swear!

But for now, I am amusing myself with long-distance phone calls and web-surfing. And I have cherries to eat, which is very good. And some fun activities over the weekend to look forward to. An old friend is having a big house warming party tonight, which should be loads o' fun. And Shanny and I have a day of shopping for cheap shoes for her for work planned. Shoe shopping! Yahoo!

My last long-distance phone call was to B. (I must, must, must stop this habit of calling people long distance on my cell phone. I'll have to take out a bank loan to pay the bill soon.) We decided that the root of all of my problems these days is probably Nazi mind control. They're not all really dead, of course, just living on a desert island somewhere, beaming evil thoughts and behaviours into my head. So ... if I just start wearing the tin-foil helmet thing I should be okay. Oh yeah, and a butt plug, cause they can get you that way, too.

How does one accessorize to wear a tin-foil helmet?

Vorig - Daarna

Layout by Neko.