A change is gonna come.

2003-08-19 - 5:15 p.m.

Not much of interest to say today.

Work is gearing up. We start rehearsals for our first show on Monday, which is also the day of the big awards show, for which I'm on the organizing committee, so the next few days are going to be filled with "getting shit done".

Lots of new staff starting work now. The place doesn't seem so quiet and empty any more. I have to start getting my head into a different mode, as things will get crazier and busier for the next while and then stay that way until May.

We had our first production meeting of the season today, which felt good. I always feel a little more like myself when I get down to the work of doing shows. It's what I'm best at, really, and such a big part of who I am. Maybe that's one of the reasons I felt so lost this summer. Most summers I've had some theatre to do, but not this year. Just lazy days of an almost empty office and boring paper work and hanging out. Which is nice in it's own right, but leaves me too much time to get in trouble.

Drinks with Kate tonight, which I'm looking forward to. I haven't seen her much this summer, since she was busy with having her kid in town. I miss her crazy ways and it will be fun to connect with her, although I know she's going to be sad after having to put the boy on the plane tonight. I hope I can cheer her up somewhat.

Things are shifting. Fall is coming. It's "back to school" time. What will the fall bring, besides cooler temperatures and more work?

Vorig - Daarna

Layout by Neko.