Holy hell.

2003-10-04 - 3:32 a.m.

I'm driving home. It's 3 in the morning. I've just dropped off B (who oddly lives about 4 blocks from R).

We've been at the opening party of the bar, which wasn't really an opening party after all, since Jessie didn't get all his permits. Instead, it was a private function, where he couldn't charge for drinks. I knew he couldn't afford to give away booze for that many people all night, so I insisted that he allow us to put tip jars on the table and man the door to tell people that "it's a private function, so drinks are free and you should pay tips into the jars to cover the costs." I brought down 25 mason jars to make sure there were enough tip jars. I ended up manning the door most of the night, actually becoming the bouncer about 11pm, when there were about 150 more people in the bar than the private function license allowed for. We actually had a line-up out front.

Anyhow, I was working so much that I didn't really have time to get drunk. When all was said and done, I drove B home. That's when it all became really weird.

I had just dropped him off, and was at the intersection by the 7/11 when I came upon an accident that had just happened seconds before I drove up. There was a totally smashed motorcycle in the middle of the intersection and a guy lying in the road and a couple of people standing there. I quickly decided that I should pull over and see if they needed help. When I got out of my car, I saw that one of the guys was on his cell phone, calling 911. I went over to the scene and this woman was just freaking out. She had hit the guy on the motorcycle with her truck. She grabbed me and started hugging me and holding on to me for dear life, saying "I didn't see him. He didn't have any lights on." She was totally freaking out. The guy was bleeding all over the place and breathing really weird. A couple of other people arrived on the scene and suddenly i found myself leaning over this poor guy in the middle of the road with people saying "take his pulse" and "take his helmet off". Everyone was trying to touch him and trying to help, but thank god, the guy who called 911 and I were both saying "No, don't touch him. Don't try to move him".

Then he started to come to, and he was thrashing around. We tried to gently hold him down. I was softly rubbing his leg and saying "It's going to be okay. Don't try to move". There was this big pool of blood coming from his helmet. The girl who hit him was screaming "He's not going to be okay! Oh god, don't move. I didn't mean to hit him." Someone grabbed a blanket from their car and covered him and we tried to keep him still. He stopped moving and I didn't know if he was breathing any more and then the cops showed up. Suddenly, they were like "Did you witness the accident? No? Then you should go."

I got back in my car and drove away. I don't know if the guy lived or died.

I feel sick.

Vorig - Daarna

Layout by Neko.