Everyone is worried.

2003-11-07 - 7:44 p.m.

Apparently, it doesn't take much for those nearest and dearest to you to start thinking you're losing your mind. When I got up this morning, Dennis was all "How are you sweety? Feeling better? Everything okay" and B phoned and left me a message saying he was sorry he had to run away so quickly after he dropped me off and he hoped I was okay and he "had my back", and R phoned me this afternoon wanting to know what was going on and way I okay, and if I was going to leave messed up messages on his phone in the middle of the night, could I phone the next morning and say I was okay so he didn't have to worry about me all day. Nice, I guess. But sometimes a girl just has to get drunk and have a crying jag and it doesn't mean the world is ending. Even if that girl doesn't cry often, at least not in front of other people. But I'm okay now. Really.

p.s. Just go here if you want to laugh your face off.

Vorig - Daarna

Layout by Neko.