catching up

2004-02-03 - 9:24 a.m.

So little time. So much to do.

Rehearsals are going great. I didn't want to do this play in the beginning, but I'm having fun with it now and the cast is great and I think it's going to be a funny show.

But I'll be glad for this week to be over, since I feel like I have so much to do right now and so little time, except to rehearse.

It doesn't help that T has been in long rehearsals for the show he's doing right now, which opens on Friday, so it feels like neither of us has been home and had time to attend to little things like cleaning the kitchen. I did do laundry on Sunday and we managed grocery shopping last night, so I guess that's good.

Why is it that all electronic things seem to break down at once? Last week our digital cable box suddenly stopped working and we haven't had time to take it in and replace it yet, so no cable. In fact, no TV of any kind. Hence the watching of much Buffy on DVD. Then last night the DVD player stopped working - skipping like crazy, on any DVD I put in there. So I thought "Well, the Play Station plays DVDs" so I hooked it up, but it isn't working either. Cripes. Total electronic failure on all fronts. I did finally figure out how to by-pass the digital box and get the regular cable back on line out of desperation, so we did manage to watch an episode of CSI Miami before going to bed. It made me realize we're way too dependant on TV to entertain us in the evening.

Well, gotta run. Time for a production meeting, then off to another fun-filled day of rehearsal.

Vorig - Daarna

Layout by Neko.