Alcohol is bad for you!

2004-02-21 - 12:31 p.m.

It was bad to drink beer and vodka and tequilla last night.

Very bad.

I feel crappy today.

My only consulation is that I'm not alone in the crappy feeling. Shanny and Marcie and Shari all feel crappy too. The boys were much smarter and all went home earlier. Us stupid gals just kept going and going, like the friggin energizer bunny.

The crazy, alcoholic energizer bunny.

On the bright side, I'm pretty proud of myself. I finished my first ever sweater last night (yes, I sat in the bar pounding back vodka and diet coke, while sewing the sleeves on the sweater). It's very cute lilac mohair. I made it for Shanny and she's wearing it today and it looks amazing on her. Now that I've mastered sweaters, there's no stopping me!

Shanny just walked in to my office and announced that she thinks she might be dying. I think that's just the red wine hang-over talking.

I really had no choice by to get horribly, horribly drunk last night, after having a long chat with R yesterday afternoon. It wasn't so much fun. He's leaving town for 7 weeks to do a show. I guess that's a good thing. A break will do us both good.

Anyhow, I have to go now.

My hair hurts.

Vorig - Daarna

Layout by Neko.