Spring doesn't equal love, it equals a lot of friggin' work.

2004-04-04 - 3:02 p.m.

This springing forward thing makes me tired.

I went to bed at 11:30 last night, slept until 9:30 this morning, got up for a while and then slept from 11 to 2 again. And I'm still tired.

Maybe it's the thought of all the stuff I have to get done at work this week. Maybe it's that I stayed up until 3:30 Friday night and then had to do a six hour board meeting/stategic planning session from 10am - 4pm on Saturday. Maybe it's because it's almost "that time of the month".

I don't know.

The board meeting session was pretty good. We talked about some cool plans for the theatre and the folks who were there (4 board memebers, 3 staff) were all pretty excited by the possibilities. But it means a lot of work coming up. First writing a new job description to hire a General Manager for the company, then actually hiring the person and working out all the bugs of having a new senior person after 12 years. And finishing next season's budget. And planning and announcing next season (the company's 30th) three months sooner than we've ever done it before. And we've committed to taking the stuff from these plannign sessions and writing a new Business Plan by the end of May.

On top of that, there's our new play development series coming up in 3 weeks. I have casting to do, scripts to read and notes to send off to playwrights, scheduling to sort out. We workshop 6 new plays over the course of 18 days, so it's a pretty hectic time. And I have to pull together a high school student plawrighting thing which we got money to do, and I have to have it together in the next 3 weeks. And there's the renovation to the interior of the theatre that we're doing in June/July and I have to get on top of that. Plus I have a workshop I have to go to for a week in Regina in mid-May, a conference in Winnipeg in early June and the Taming of the Shrew sho I just agreed to direct in June/July.

Just writing all that makes me tired. No wonder I want to sleep.

Tomorrow morning I have to go do this radio panel on "Spring" and "First Love". I had a brief pre-interview with the producer on Friday and realized I have no idea what the hell to say on that topic. She asked my about my first love and I was like "Hmmm ... well ... Ah .... let's see. I don't know." I started thinking back on all my boyfriends and thinking "Was I in love?" I guess I don't think I had what I think of as that classic "first love" experience. My first serious boyfriend was when I was 19. We were friends first. I loved him, I guess. We're still friends. But I don't think it was one of those "Spring/Romantic Love/First Love" kinds of things. And then I started thinking that the few times I've thought I was really "in love" with someone, it was usually some sort of disaster. Not to say I don't love people. But that "in love" thing. I just don't know.

Maybe that concept of spring and first love is really just biology. The idea that it's time to procreate. I also commented to the producer that I didn't have that early experience, didn't really date in high school, because my first love, really, was theatre. All my energy and passion as a teenager went into that. My self discovery, my investigation into life and what it might mean to be an adult. That stuff that a lot of other teens directed towards sex and dating.

Wow - thinking about this stuff is making me tired too. i think I need to go lie down again.

Vorig - Daarna

Layout by Neko.