I totally want this computer!

2004-10-28 - 1:01 a.m.

Ah, hotel rooms. The irresistable draw of the mini-bar. Over priced domestic beer and bar cocktails that cost way too much. If you're a smoker (like me), the smell of a smoking floor - too many cigarettes and cigars, all crammed onto one hotel floor. Movies available on the TV any time of day or night (including porn, if that's your inclination).

All in all, it was a nice night. Shanny and I napped until 7:30 and then headed out for dinner, which ended up expensive and not all that good. A crazy waiter without much charm or skill who kept screwing up our order and spending more time chatting up the other tables rather than giving us good service. We decided to beat a hasty retreat when the table of 50-somethings behind us started singing.

We ended up at this fairly cool pub which is frequented by musicians and the like, Shanny hoping to meet up with her "Mark of the Edmontons", who never showed. I had a very interesting conversation with this young Edmonton musician who seemed quite cool.

Shanny's now off at another bar and I'm here, writing this before trying to get enough sleep to be at least semi-smart for tomorrow's granting session. Thank god she has this cool lap-top that allows me to write this. I gotta get me one of these.

Last thought before bed is how much I miss R. See, it's not good when we get into these patterns where we see each other every day, because I start to count on it. For all the fucked up qualities, there's something to be said for the comfort of that person who actually likes you for who you are. Who accepts that you're shy and stupid and loud and obnoxious and silly and bratty and opinionated and funny and retarded and fat and lazy and bossy, and all those other things. Who loves you exactly because you accept all those things in him, without question.

And knowing that when the show came down today, he missed me just as much.

But enough about that. It's sleep time. I have to up and smart in less than 8 hours. Just as soon as I finish this mini-bar beer I'm off to bed. I swear.

Vorig - Daarna

Layout by Neko.