Random Rambling

2004-11-05 - 3:44 p.m.

It just cracks me up that I called him and advised him to get his butt down to the bar pronto because his girlfriend's jazz band was playing and she was looking a little lost because he hadn't shown up, so I phoned him and reminded him about the conversation we'd had about how to be a good boyfriend, and this was one of the ways he could be at least a better boyfriend, and his reaction to all of this, when he eventually showed up in the bar ... was to smile at me and tell me he thinks I might be the sweetest person in the whole world. That's messed up.

Ah well.

Here, finally, as promised - my new resume shot. I finally got it loaded onto this stupid computer. So here you go - this is me.

Vorig - Daarna

Layout by Neko.