Why can't I be rich and have a maid?

2004-11-06 - 3:05 p.m.

Today I'm doing one of my least favorite activities in the world - House Cleaning. Why oh why couldn't I have been born one of those people who actually likes to clean? Who finds it soothing or theraputic or some such crap? Why? Why do I have to be cursed to be one of the people who loaths house cleaning? Lucky for me, T does it alot of the time, or we'd be living in squalor, but he's been so busy the last few weeks that he hasn't had the time, and I'm home today and I can't stand this mess any longer. And it doesn't help that I'm a pack rat, so we have SHIT everywhere. And this city is a freaking dust bowl, so the SHIT has dust all over it. Maybe I should just suck it up and spend the money for one of those maid service things. I mean, how much can that cost? If I can spend $50 on a pedicure, or $100 on perfume, I should be able to spend $100 on getting my house cleaned, right? The problem is, while I'm a slob, I also have that weird puritan ethic that makes me feel like I'd have to clean the house before I could pay someone to come clean it for me. I guess I'd be afraid they'd be judging me while they were cleaning or something. So there's really nothing for it except to get my ass a-cleanin'. I've already tackled the bathroom, so that's good. And, as soon as I waste another half hour here on the internet, I'm going for the kitchen. Maybe I'll even get really ambitious and go for a little vacuuming. Yuck.

Vorig - Daarna

Layout by Neko.