mmmmm ... goodnight.

2004-11-14 - 1:10 a.m.

Okay, I admit it. I'm really drunk right now. I went for beers at 6:00 and it's now 1am, which means I've had about 6 beers, plus 2 shot of Jack and I'm canned. We had a little "who's the best kisser" contest at the table, where nobody but me would do the rounds, and there were a lot of good kissers, both male and female, but R won (I think because he wanted to or maybe because I'm easily swayed, but oh my god ...) and then we sat in my car for about half an hour and discussed love. And kissed some more. And then I came home to sleep. Which seems like a good idea. So I'm gonna.

Vorig - Daarna

Layout by Neko.