Ggrrrr .... mornings are complicated.

2004-11-17 - 11:07 a.m.

I have four usual choices for how to get to work.

I can drive, which is great because I can come and go on my own schedule, and enjoy the brief drive in to work while playing good music at a super loud volume. The downside is that it costs me a minimum of $13 to park anywhere downtown, and if I park in my own building, it usually costs more like $20.

I can walk. This is the healthy choice. It takes about 30 minutes, but if the weather is nice, it's quite pleasant and a good way to start the day. Sadly, I rarely want to include the extra half hour into my morning.

The best choice is when T drives me to work, since I get all the benefits of driving my own car, without the cost. Sadly, T's not often available these days when I need to go to work.

So that leaves me with this morning's option - The Bus. It's cheap, it's efficient (door to door pretty much in 15 minutes). The downside is that it normally means I arrive at work, like I did this morning, disgusted by humanity in general. I'm not a morning person, and the close proximity to other human beings first thing in the morning is always a trial. You have to listen to their inane conversations. Sometimes (far too often) they don't smell all that good. And, let's face it, most people are rude. Like this morning. The bus is fairly crowded. No empty seats. Then it's always the choice, do I sit down next to some stranger who might smell bad or try to talk to me, or do I stand all the way to work. But I had some reading to try to finish this morning, so I opted for sitting, picking out someone who looked fairly normal.

You know how normal people move over a little to accommodate you when you sit down, to try to "share" the seat. Not this bitch. She sat firmly planted in the middle of the seat, forcing me to sit on part of her coat, with half my ass hanging off the edge of the seat. Just plain rude, I tell you. And it made me cranky.

But I'm a big girl, so I'm shaking it off. Now that I've vented. I think the only option left to me now is to get rich, so that I can have a personal driver to take me to work in the morning. Or, here's an idea, I guess I could get off my fat ass a half hour earlier and go back to doing the walking thing.

Vorig - Daarna

Layout by Neko.