bad head pain

2005-05-26 - 5:10 p.m.

This has been a very long day.

T and I met some friends for a drink after dinner last night, and "a drink" turned into quite a few, and i woke up feeling like hell this morning. And we didn't even stay out that late, so I got a decent amount of sleep, but it didn't seem to matter.

I had a pounding head-ache, one of those sinusy dagger through the eye ones, and no amount of pai killer seemed to help. Yikes.

We were having this garage sale today at work, selling off a whole bunch of old costumes and stuff, and Lolo and I had to man the sale all day and it felt like 100 hours, sitting there watching people buy all kinds of weird and useless shit. When it was finished, at 3:30, we had to bag up all the stuff that didn't sell and haul it all to the truck for her to take to good will. My god we accumulate a lot of junk at my theatre.

And tomorrow, lucky lucky me, I get to sit through general auditions from 9am to 7pm. I'm seeing about 30 people, so that's likely to be a whole lot of bad monologues. Who me? Jaded? Never.

Anyhow, this is an incredibly boring entry because my mind is all mushy today. I think I better go lie down now.

Vorig - Daarna

Layout by Neko.