Friday plans.

2005-07-15 - 11:37 a.m.

Today's plan:

Do some Festival work. It's coming up sooner than I would like to think and the 2 days a week isn't cutting it. I have to get more organized now, or August is going to be insane.

Lunch with my mother. She wants to discuss her will. Yee Gawds.

Stop at the Farmer's Market to buy more cherries.

Answer an email from ex-vp of the board to finish wrapping up that shit, sign their stupid release form, get the rest of my money and move the fuck on!

Find some time to help Shanny move some boxes, if I can fit it in amongst Festival work.

Go hear R's band play later this evening, which I'm not totally looking forward to after Monday night, but I promised I'd go.

Try not to smoke to much today, as the cough is finally starting to abate (although I still sound like I'm dying of "the consumption") and the cold seems to be almost gone.

Vorig - Daarna

Layout by Neko.