Late night, grabby hands, locked doors.

2005-08-22 - 4:23 p.m.

Yeah, that was a weird evening in many ways. Although much of it was fun. It was great to have a visit with B, it's been ages and I miss him.

T and B and I went to this slightly scuzzy pub because the theatre bar was mysteriously closed (what? it's never closed!) We laughed lots and had too much beer. At one point, I went up to the bar to get more beers and this man started talking to me. He was from Uganda, and had a very thick accent, which made it a bit hard to understand what he was saying, but we got to talking and he seemed nice and quite interesting (if somewhat pissed). Later I realized he was there all by himself, and just trying to be nice, invited him to sit with us. I always like talking to people from other countries, especially people from other countries with fairly divergent cultures. And he had interesting things to say.

Flash foward about an hour, and we're preparing to leave. I go up to the bar to pay the tab, and he passes me on the way to the bathroom, and stops and tells me that he likes me and he's glad we met. I say "me too", and then next thing I know, he has his arm around me and then he's trying to cop a feel. Hand sneaking down the top. Groping the thigh. I push him away and say "Hey man, NO. No no no." He laughs and tries again. I say "Come on now, didn't I just finish introducing you to my husband over there? No go pal. Hands to youself." He laughed again and asked if I'd email him sometime if he gave me his email. Huh?? Is that the way they do it in Uganda buddy?

I was totally just trying to be friendly to some foreign guy all alone in a bar, and I get felt up against my will for my troubles. Shanny asked me why I didn't slap him, but it didn't seem like the right thing to do. I think I felt sorry for him.

Anyhow, other than that one bit of weirdness, we had a good time, except for the part when we'd come back here and it was about 4 in the morning and we were out of smokes, and B and I drove to the store, and while we were gone (all of maybe 5 minutes) T went to bed and locked the front door (a few too many cocktails) and I couldn't get in the house. I must have rung the doorbell about 1000 times. Luckily, B was still in his car, waiting to make sure I got in before going home, and he came and jumped over the balcony (thank god he's so tall) and opened the sliding screen door and came around and let me in. T slept through the WHOLE thing, silly man.

And then, of course, I had to get up and go to work, for a big old 3 1/2 hour production meeting, with about 4 hours of sleep under my belt. Stupid. Now I'm going to need a nap. Who wants to come over and bring me hamburgers?, which is what I feel like eating.

Vorig - Daarna

Layout by Neko.