Sweat and pain really do have a purpose. Who knew?

2005-06-27 - 7:36 p.m.

I just tried on 3 pairs of pants that haven't fit me in about 8 months, and guess what??? They fit! I guess all my sweating at the gym is paying off. It's always so hard to tell. On the scale I've only lost about 5 pounds, and, as I see myself in the mirror every day, I don't really see much difference, but it seems to be there. As I remember it now, it took about 3 months last time I was going regularily to start to realize it was paying off, and then I started to notice lots of changes, so lets hope it's the same pattern again. It would be great to fit into some of my old summer clothes again before summer is over, especially since I have so little money to buy new clothes right now.

Vorig - Daarna

Layout by Neko.