Bad play. Good game.

2004-09-23 - 12:12 p.m.

We saw this play last night, GLENN. It's about Glenn Gould, the famous Canadian pianist, who was also notoriously wacko. He was patholigically terrified of live performance, and a hypochondriac and all that stuff.

I'm still not sure what I thought of the show. For one thing, this is the 5th play I've seen in 2 weeks. I'm already getting "played" out, and I have another one to go to on Friday, not to mention about 50 more before the season is out.

Yes, I know. This is what I do for a living. Going to the theatre should be fun. It should be interesting. It should feel like a privilege. But have you ever tried seeing approx. 60 plays in 9 months? And they're not all good, believe me!

Anyhow, I digress. GLENN.

There were four men, all playing Glenn Gould at various stages in his life. Basically 20, 30, 40 and 50. The four stages were called (respectively) The Prodigy, The Performer, The Perfectionist and The Puritant. An interesting way of examining a life and a character.

The acting was good and the directing, for the most part, was okay. The main problem with the directing was that this particular director isn't strong in dealing with text, and this was a super talk heavy play. Basically, all talk. He's great at bringing interesting visuals to the table, and adds some great physicality to a really text heavy piece, but I don't think he always "gets" the wordy, intellectual plays, consequently, he's not great at helping the actors "get" the play either.

Mostly, I think it was abit too much of an intellectual exercise for my tastes. And I don't think I was alone. There were about 60 people there and I watched at least a dozen of them nod off from time to time.

But the idea of trying to define someone in various architypes is interesting, none the less. The other night, on our chick night out, we played this little game (based on talking about this play) where we each had to define ourselves with four architypal terms. And you couldn't use something like "mother" just because you had kids. You could only use mother if you thought that's how you were to the world at large. It was hard to do. the other gals around the table got to add, amend, or in some cases, flat out argue your choices. The Romantic came up lots of times. The Sophisticate. The Shit-Disturber. The Secret-Keeper.

It's a good game. You should try it.

Mine four were: The Romantic. The Mother (and no, I don't have any kids, but I do spend way too much time trying to mother the world). The Enabler. And The Thinker.

Vorig - Daarna

Layout by Neko.