
2004-10-31 - 1:59 a.m.

It's 2am. Only because of daylight savings. Otherwise, it would be 3. I'm at this party at Dave and Tanya's. I should SO be home. But they begged me to come, and I'm like the weakest person in the world, and Tanya kept talking about three-somes. I tried to talk R into coming with me, but he was the crankiest man ever this evening, so he dropped me off in a cab here and went home. We made a dinner date for the end of November though, which involved lobster and red wine. Mmmmm ... Anyhow, I should go upstairs and joing the party/love-in. Or go home and go to bed. But that would be not damned fun at all. I'll let you know how it all turns out in the morning. Or, by the time I wake up, the afternoon. Party on ....

Vorig - Daarna

Layout by Neko.