Drugged Rambling.

2004-12-23 - 12:35 p.m.

I'm all stoned on too much Tylenol for Colds and codeine today, but at least I slept fairly well last night. (Wow, I really am stoned - typing is sooo hard.)

I dragged my but out of bed at 7:30 and puttered around in my cold medication haze until 9:00 and then came downtown, stopping to exchange my new cell phone which seems to have become possessed, because every time I tried to turn it off, it just waited about 45 seconds and then turned itself back on again. Not right. Anyhow, while I was waiting in the phone store, my phone rang, with someone letting me know I'd completely forgotten a 10am meeting. Oops.

After I met with Clem and apologized like a mad woman, I spent the rest of the morning playing drug-crazed Christmas Elf around the office. Company logo denim shirts for the two actresses in the show. A bottle of wine and a CD for R, a CD for Marcie, a scarf for Lolo, which I just finished knitting at 11pm last night, and cards and candy for the rest of the staff. That was fun.

Speaking of Christmas presents, I'm such a good friend to that man, I tell you. Yesterday after the show, he was moaning about how he had to go buy stocking stuffers for Claire and he didn't know what to get and he hates shopping and on and on. I suggested he try the Body Shop, full of little smelly girly things just perfect for a stocking. He liked the idea, but then wasn't sure where in the mall the Body Shop was, and he was starting to get this glazed over, fightened look and he asked me to come with him. So I took him shopping to buy Christmas presents for his girlfriend. Go figure. I did stop short at actually picking out the gifts, naking him go into the stores alone while I waited outside. we hit the Body Shop and HMV and were out of the mall in about 20 minutes flat. He was marvelling at how much easier it was than the day before when he's gone and wondered a different mall alone, not finding anything and getting angry and a little weepy. Men who don't know how to shop, I tell you! He told me he's always taking me shopping with him from now on, and then he bought me a couple of drinks and then drove me home. In how many more ways could this poor man need me in his life? Even he admits that.

Well. The cold drugs are starting to wear off and I'm getting something akin to hot flashes now. Hmmm - may be I have a fever. This being sick at Christmas sucks!! It happened last year too. I just cancelled our Christmas Eve Party, since T and I are both sick and will likely lie around sipping Robitusin and Gin or something.

Time to do what little work I can convince myself to do and then go home and self-medicate. If I don't write again before hand -

A very Merry Christmas to you all, my friends!!

Vorig - Daarna

Layout by Neko.