Not being one to miss out ....

2005-10-06 - 3:11 a.m.

I am not� anywhere near as pretty as I wish I was.

I hurt� when life overwhelms me.

I love� being in the moment.

I hate�making mistakes.

I fear� that I will never really find "love".

I hope�that some day I'll accept what is in my life as enough and stop looking for what I don't have.

I hear� the sound-track of everything.

I crave�attention.

I regret�all the things I've never done.

I cry� rarely. And privately.

I care� to the bottom of my soul, which is usually not good for me.

I always�push the envelope.

I long to... drink every moment to it's fullest.

I feel alone� most of the time.

I listen� to all the things people don't say.

I hide�myself a lot of the time.

I drive� best when alone.

I sing� when no one is listening.

I dance�self-conciously.

I write�in place of talking.

I breathe� poorly.

I play� almost all the time, which usually gets me in trouble.

I miss� all the things I didn't do when they were there to do.

I feel� too much.

I know� that people love me, even when I want to think otherwise.

I say�a lot of things I wish I hadn't said.

I search�for that one moment, all the time.

I learn�.from my mistakes.

I succeed�. at most things.

I fail�.when I try too hard.

I dream�.about everything I repress.

I sleep� less than I want to sleep.

I wonder�. at the beauty of so many things, on a daily basis.

I want�. to experience something new every moment of my life.

I worry�.most of the time, especially about what I haven't done today.

I have� a sense of humour that carries me through most things.

I give� way too much.

I fight�.for things I believe in.

I wait�. a long time, if its worth it.

I need�.something that makes me a lot of money, so that I can support my ridiculous spending habits.

I am�.who I am, for better or worse.

I think�things to death.

I can't help the fact that�I'm a hedonist.

I stay�.true.

Vorig - Daarna

Layout by Neko.