Ain't got no vagina.

2003-09-05 - 11:25 p.m.

Okay, my last entry of this very long day. I swear. Well, maybe not, who knows. Never say never, right?

So, here's my final answer to trying to combat the deep "maleness" going on in my living room. I can't even sit up there any more. My eyes just roll back into my head and I lapse into a coma. The smell of the testoterone is just WAY too heavy.

I wish I could take credit for writing this, but I can't. It comes from a book called "Cunt" (yes, there will be the use of that word in this entry) by Inga Muscio.

"On the choice occassions popes and politicians directly refer to female genitalia, the term 'vagina' is discreetly engaged.

If you will be so kind, say 'vagina' out loud a few times. Strip away the meaning and listen solely to the phonetic sound. It resonates from the roof of your mouth.

A 'vagina' could be an economy car:

'That's right, Wanda! Come within five hunred dollars of the actual sticker price, and you'll win this! A brand new Chrysler Vagina!'

Or a rodent:

'Next on Prairie Safari, you'll see a wily little silver-tailed vagina outwit a voracious pair of ospreys.'

Say 'cunt' out loud, again stripping away the meaning. The word resonates from the depths of your gut. It sounds like something you definitely don't want to tangle with in a drunken brawl in a dark alley.

A 'cunt' could be a serious weather condition:

'Next on Nightline, an exclusive report on the devestation in Kansas when last night's thunder cunt, with winds exceeding 122 miles an hour, ripped through the state.'

Or a monster truck:

'The City Arena is proud to present the Coors Crush 'Em Demolition Round-Up competition, where Randy Sam's Beast of Burden will challenge Mike Price's undefeated Raging Cunt in the 666 barrel jump.'

Moving from phonetics to etymology, 'vagina' originates from a word meaning sheath for a sword.

Ain't got no vagina."

There you have it.

Vorig - Daarna

Layout by Neko.