What do you like to talk about?

2003-09-07 - 2:21 a.m.

2:21am. Again. Cold beer. Too many smokes. Same old, same old. But not.

I don't have to be at work tomorrow (Sunday, for god's sake!) until 12:30pm. Which is good. I let R go home after rehearsal without beer and nary a fuss. Which is good. I hung out with some cool women tonight. Which is good. Every thing went okay at work today. Which is good. I'm happy with the play. Which is very, very good.

I was thinking this evening about the differences between the kinds of conversations women have in groups and the conversations men have. Having hung out, for the last two weeks, with a lot of men, I have noticed that they resort to talking about cars or sports or guitars, shit like that, at the drop of a hat. It's funny because women talk a totally different lingo within minutes. Usually, the conversation rolls around to feelings, emotions, situations, relationships. Right away. Even women who barely know each other. There's no talk about hockey. Well, maybe a little shoe talk. But not much, really. Women are all like "Who are you? What do you do? What do you feel about this?"

The funny thing is, almost all of the men I know, certainly all of the men I like, are capable of talking about that stuff. Just not with other men (at least not in the presence of women). That's what they have women in their lives for. I've had very deep conversations with men. I've just never heard them talk with each other about that shit.

We think they like us because we smell nice and have boobs and stuff, but I think it's something else. I think they like us because we talk about something other than hockey and cars. We talk about feelings (some times ad nauseum).

Or maybe it's that they think talking with us about feelings will mean we'll allow them to touch our boobs.

Vorig - Daarna

Layout by Neko.