Colds suck but cough medicine is good....

2003-11-16 - 11:35 a.m.

Well, the cold is in full force.

I guess this is what happens when you don't take a day off for 3 weeks in a row.

Sore throat, swollen glands, stuffy head, coughing like a maniac. Yuck.

Yesterday, for our evening run-through of the play, I decided to take some extra-strength cough medicine so as not to cough continuously through the whole show, and I got totally wrecked. Sitting up in the second balcony of the theatre, thinking "wow, the lights are really pretty .... weeeeee".

If I can just get through the next 6 days without falling down dead, I should be okay.

The play will be open, the grant paperwork finished and sent to bitchy lady (I tried to explain to her that I hadn't got it finished because I'd been directing three shows back to back this fall, and she said she didn't care about my excuse! Excuse?!?!? Isn't that what I do for a living? Isn't the heart of running a theatre company about making the freaking art?? Isn't that what they give us money for?????) and then I think I'm going to sleep for two days solid.

Off to take some more Benylin and get stoned and watch my show again now. Yipee.

Vorig - Daarna

Layout by Neko.